Denise Goldberg's blog

A coastline beckons
Rocks and crashing waves, an enticement for bicycle and camera

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Photos: Fog sends me around Park Loop Road again

My bicycle wheels started to head toward Northeast Harbor this morning, but the dense fog made me turn around and head back into the park. The first photos here are from outside of the park.

Hey Denise, I think it's too foggy to stay out here... Let's head back into the park. It's probably foggy in there too, but the people in those fossil-fuel powered vehicles are probably moving slower there.

OK Rover, you're right!

Ah, time to turn back, and to seek the more lightly traveled roads of Acadia...

Hey frog, thanks for posing!

Funny, I stopped in the information center after wandering through the gardens so I could change the lens on my camera in a dry place, and I was talking to one of the women working there. Apparently this frog is often sitting on a lily pad in the pond where I saw him. I still feel lucky to have had a chance to capture this photo.

Hmmm... I guess I'm going to be stuck in the fog all day. But riding in the park feels a little safer than on the higher speed roads I started on this morning.