I really like it when we move from place to place on our bike, but you know what? Denise was right, and this different kind of bike trip was just what she needed right now. The corners of Maine where we were wandering are really beautiful. It was very interesting to see the world from the top of that bridge - Denise wanted to walk down the stairs, but I thought it would be fun to slide down the cable stays. I know, I know, that's a bit crazy, and of course neither activity is allowed. But I can dream, can't I? (Denise said she wouldn't slide down even if it was allowed, you know she doesn't like heights, don't you?)
And oh! Riding and walking along the rocky coastline, seeing the ocean sparkle, and chasing the birds with a camera, that was so much fun. Somehow I think - no really, I know - we'll be going back there again someday. Sitting at that very windy spot high on Cadillac Mountain to watch the sun set was pretty special too.
I think it's OK to tell you this. It can't be a secret since Denise just published a start at her journal. At the end of October Denise & I are heading to Death Valley National Park to walk in the desert and to play with her cameras. I've never been to Death Valley before! It has a scary name, but the pictures I've been looking at make it appear to be stark but beautiful.
I hope you'll join us on our trip to Death Valley by keeping an eye on Denise's journal What's in a name?. Hmm... maybe I should call it "our" journal. Maybe Denise will let me write about our wanderings there. You don't mind if I help with the descriptions, do you?
My goal for the winter - after our jaunt to Death Valley, of course - is to help Denise figure out a biking (a touring!) destination for 2008. She really needs to know much earlier in the year where she (we! I may only be a little red dog, but I count too!) will be wandering on her bike.
With lots of love & licks -